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IT Operations and Data CentrE project management and Consulting   


Leading the Way in IT Operations and Data-Centric Environments

At Vanguard, we provide Data Operators with a full suite of project management and consulting services  from a broad spectrum of clients  to firms of all sizes. Vanguard has mastered the co-evolution of business, with strategic alignment to your IS operations through mutual trust, building relationships, communicating and collaboration. We employ expert staff who complete all the heavy lifting to your otherwise outsourced  third-party world.

Our vendor neutral approach offers our clients a range of strategic choices and a process of continuous adaptation, ensuring sustainable competitive advantages. For over 25 years, our multi-disciplined Data Centre and Computer Room Operations experts have been providing sound project management consulting simplification in areas such as:

Tape Media Asset Acquisition + Operations Management

  • Library Audit and Inventory

  • Wall-to-Wall Asset Audit and Inventory

  • Hardware Maintenance Programs

Data Centre Relocation

  • IT Equipment (Lift and Shift)

  • Cloud-to-Cloud consolidation to Server Transit

Project Management & Consulting

Data Destruction Compliance

  • ITAD Process and Protocols

Environmental – Data Centric facilities

  • Specialized IT Environmental Cleaning and Analytics

Vanguard is trusted by some of the most significant Data Centre Operators across Canada.  

Leveraging our insight and resourcefulness to ensure your success, we are proactive in our approach, paying careful attention to every facet of your IS  and Computer Room operations demands.

Locally invested and nationally connected, we service your needs wisely and reliably, whatever and wherever they may be.


We’re Different.
Find Out Why.

For over 25 years Vanguard has been a trusted consulting and project management partner. Get Vanguard working for you. Let us show you how easy it can be.

Call: 905.282.0560


Or introduce yourself in the form below, and start the conversation now.
